Be aware of the road conditions, so you don’t get into an accident or become the victim of a blown out tire or worse.
Clear Zone Issues – Examples include utility poles, fallen trees, uncovered water drains, or debris.
Irregular Intersections – Examples include narrow roads, sharp turns that require mirrors, one way streets, or misguided turning lanes.
Pothole Fillers – Temporary fix for roads that need to be resurfaced. This temporary fixes can have high or low points.
Lane Guidance – Poorly painted lines, broken, hidden, or missing signs can cause accidents on roads.
Construction Signage – Roads marked with construction signs, when the construction isn’t being worked on may cause confusion to drivers.
Wheel Ruts – When roads haven't been resurfaced in a while, grooves where wheels often go dig into the road and make it uneven and unsafe.
Work Zones – Work zones can be filled with confusing signs and unpredictable changes. It can be difficult to keep up with many directions when trying to drive safely through a work zone.
Potholes – These gaps in the road where asphalt used to be can damage tires, make cars swerve, and cause collisions.
Having a clear, thought out direction may minimize the damage that can be caused from bad roads. Have the appropriate tools in the vehicle in the case of a breakdown.